Tag: solitude

  • Solitude firm lower Gs

    Early season deal at Solitude’s Inn with barely anyone else on site Monday and Tuesday nights. Late arrival Monday with a fizzled forecast redeemed by an outdoor jet tub.

    A handful of lower groomers on mostly blown snow were available. Seven runs Tuesday after work and four early Wednesday before getting started. Great fun riding on 168″ titanium carvers without much traffic to avoid on the runs. Firm but very ridable.

    Lindsey Lohan was rumored to be about and the Hollywood trucks were in full effect sprucing the place up for what the wiki calls a, “currently untitled, Christmas romantic comedy about a woman who suffers amnesia following a skiing accident and finds herself in the care of a blue-collar lodge owner. The film is expected to start filming in November 2021, and is to be directed and co-written by Janeen Damian, with an expected release date in 2022.”